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Configuration (English)

Please post all ideas that concern the configuration of DocuWare in this forum (i.e. DocuWare Administration, Workflow Designer, Desktop Apps).

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129 results found

  1. Separate the Check Out/Check In and Set As Current Version Rights For File Cabinet Profiles

    Currently the Check Out/Check In and the Set as Current Version rights are bundled together as the "Check Out" right under the File Cabinet Profiles.

    These should be considered as separate rights as we should be able to give users the right to Edit and the ability to set previous versions to current versions without giving the users right to Check Out a document.

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  2. Connect 2 Mail to also allow the usage of .msg not just .pdf and .eml

    I think it is great you added the .eml to the Exchange configuration in Coonect2Mail feature of 6.6.
    However the .eml extension does not allow for forward/reply/reply all from the right-click context menu. This is currently allowed with an Active import and Connect2Outlook stored emails.
    The only way to forward/reply/reply all is to edit the document. This causes a security concern for users that do not have the edit right/ however they were still able to forward/reply/ reply all from the context menu.

    Please look at adding the emails as .msg again from the C2M module.

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  3. Batch user tools for managing users.

    Some installations have hundreds or thousands of users. We need tools to manage sub-groups, for ex., the DW customer's customers customers, or enterprise customers with large divisions. In particular one function badly needed is a wayt to export users (and attributes) to CSV or Excel.

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  4. Allow an admin to determine what annotation tools are enabled by default in profile and settings for all users.

    Allow an admin to determine what annotation tools are enabled by default in profile and settings for

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  5. Related documents - New condition "Is contained"

    Add new condition to document relation.

    Ability to search is a specific field value "is contained" in a cabinet field.

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  6. Bring back multiple Web Connections/URLs (removed in 7.4)

    In 7.4, the ability to use different URLs was removed.
    It is not possible to use http://hostname/docuware and at the same time.

    This especially has a huge impact to customers who have their DocuWare reachable from outside their own network, as the server often has a different DNS Name and URL for external connections. 7.4 basically removed the ability to have your DW Server available for external connections.

    Please bring back the ability to have multiple Web Connections or to allow traffic from every IIS Site binding.

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  7. Administrator: Performance Indicators

    It would be nice to have a dashboard in the admin tool with key performance indicators, such as Documents stored for the day, Maximum concurrent users, Number of registered users, # inactive users that didnt use Docuware in 3 months), current logged in users, data in for day (vs historical average), data out for day (vs historical average), Available storage (with estimated time before storage is full), Available resources, Critical errors (servers, workflows, etc.)

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  8. Change default paper size/region

    We are North American clients, and we really need a setting to change the default paper size to Letter(in Connect to Mail, Printer, etc...). A region setting that would automatically setup Printers and Connect to Mail to the default paper size of the region would be amazing.

    Otherwise, all connect to mail emails are saved as A4 size, which messes with older printers, and also makes emails print out oddly on paper. The Docuware Printer also doesn't have a UI option to change the setting. It has a registry change, but a server side auto-deployed setting would make much more…

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  9. Auto Index Failure Notification

    When an Auto Index error occurs the workflow stops. There does not seem to be any type of notification that occurs, and typically is discovered by the end user when indexes are missing. An email notification to the admin would be great so they could address the error prior to an end users discovering it.

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  10. incomprehensible Restriction on Stamps

    If I have an approval stamp and I name it APPROVE and assign it to a single file cabinet and user group. I can NEVER create another stamp that has the display name APPROVE again. Even for a different file cabinet, even for a different user group. -Because of the backwards way you guys treat DISPLAY NAME vs NAME when configuring a stamp, I cannot have a duplicate DISPLAY NAME, really? This is never the case ANYWHERE! What if I wanted to assign another approval stamp to another set of users. I then have to name that stamp something else,…

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  11. Make DocuWare variables available in text area of stamp

    Please allow the stamp text area to use DocuWare variables like user name and data/time variables.

    Currently the user and date/time can be added as default stamp text but it's in a hard coded order.

    Being able to change that order and potentially mix it with additional info would be helpful.

    So instead of the standard stamp of this

    Date time

    I'd like to be able to configure it to this:

    Date time Username

    Or this:

    CSR Username Date time

    Essentially adding variables to the text area opens up a lot of additional options when designing stamps!

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  12. Passwords should not be repeated in in the last 12, 60 day cycles.

    A user should not be able to alternate between the same two passwords.

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  13. Improve Auto Indexing fault tolerance on error

    Auto Indexing will go into error state after first seeing connection loss and not re-attempt without manual starting process from DocuWare Administration Utility.
    Allowing for another attempt after a set time-frame would greatly help managing this module as re-starting these processes can become very time intensive.

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  14. Notification

    A document stored in the file cabinet ready for email notification. (so in the notification table). A user logs in during the day and approves invoice randomly… At 4pm (or whatever time you assign) however, he will still get an email notification to let him know that he has invoices to approve even though he has already completed his action. It would be good if we could remove this. What do you think?

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  15. optional fields for groups or user defined tables

    For index filters in profiles we often use a database view on the DocuWare Users and grups ("dwGroups, dwUsers, dwUserToGroup").
    This helps to make a SQL index filter with the user-group settings.
    Often the group name itself is implemented in the index filter. For example the users in the DW group with the name "grp_Accounting" are just allowed to see documents of the business unit "Accounting".
    SQL index filter: CURRENTUSERLONGNAME() IN (SELECT v.User FROM View V Where (dwdata.dbo.archiv.)BusinessUnit = LEFT(3,v.groupName)
    (or something like that)
    If there would be a possibility to give groups optional fields we could take this information…

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  16. Restrict access to DocuWare Configuration to non-administrators

    Even if a user does not have any profile functions, they can still access the notifications and Stamps functions of Docuware configuration.
    It is best to deactivate the "Configuration" button in the Profile menu when the user has no rights over function profiles.

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  17. Completely restrict access to the "Configuration" menu for a given role

    We would like to be able to completely restrict access to the "Configuration" menu, either by making the shortcut invisible in the WebClient menu, or by being able to hide all the menus.

    One application is when an external user (customer or supplier) accesses DocuWare. This raises security and confidentiality issues.

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  18. Update option for preconfigured solutions

    A possibility to update from an older version of a preconfigured solution to a current version would be very helpful. Currently, the new features advertised in the DocuWare UserInfo have to be recreated in the old version of the preconfigured solution with a lot of effort. At some point it probably makes sense to make the move to a current version.

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  19. Administrative Notification Options for Setting or User Changes

    It would be very useful to have real-time audit notification for changes in the system. As an administrator I want to be notified of any Administrative changes to Users or controls. Ideally you would be able to select which notification you want to receive and these notifications would only be available to users with administrator access.

    For example:
    User Changes Notifications:
    -Notify on User Creation
    -Notify on User Deletion
    -Notify on User Role Changes

    Similarly there could be options for other changes in the system. I understand some of the information is available on Audit Logs, but that information is…

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  20. Limit which AD users are synced to the DW Cloud

    Currently when you choose which OU to sync from using the User Synchronization utility, the tool will bring in all users of that OU. Instead, the tool should only import the users who are mapped to a DocuWare group. This should work in the same manner that user synchronization works for on-prem systems. It is not uncommon that it is required to point at the top level OU to get the users that we want even though we do not want all users.

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