Digital handwritten signature on DocuWare mobile client.
Having people sign with a digital signature from IPAD or Android pads for document process:
Most of time people will sign the business document on the paper, especially invoices and on site service document. We should be able to open documents on smartphones and ipads(including android pads), put a stamp on the document from these device and ask for customer to sign on the document in DocuWare mobile client.

PEGS commented
You can sign up for an Adobe Sign Developer Account here:
PEGS commented
Adobe Sign and the simpler Adobe Fill & Sign would be nice. The signer can sign on a form or can opt to have the system send him/her a text message with a link to a larger signature field so that signing is more natural and is authenticated with the process indicating the number and geolocation of the signer.
Anonymous commented
Any Chance that this will be added in the near future. We have a couple of clients that have requested this specifically.
Neal Wexler commented
Allow the Freehand Annotation tool to be used in the Mobile App, so that people can sign documents through Mobile App on Tablet with finger or stylus.
Anonymous commented
This would be a great add-on to the Mobile Client. That being said, I have worked with other applications for the purpose of capturing signatures remotely on delivery tickets. The major issue that we have encountered is handling the process when the mobile device is offline. In many cases, signature is being captured in a warehouse or in an area with poor cell coverage. Being able to cache the documents to the mobile device can be critical so that it can be opened, signed and then syncronized once the device regains connection. I'm not sure how that could be done with the DW mobile client even if it had free hand stamps.
Tony commented
Hi Christian, I did not see it happened on DocuWare 6.5. May I know the status now? Will it be under the development this year?