Allow The Folder Structure Dialogs to be accesable by URL integration.
Seeing as more and more parts of DocuWare are directly accessible by URL Integration it would be nice for the Folder Structure dialogs to be directly called by an URL Integration as well.

Anonymous commented
It'll be very helpfull to join folder structure with the URl creation.
We have a lot of document in Docuware and the Folder structure is very easy to use and more confortable for costumers. -
Anonymous commented
I works in Institut against cancer, we have a lot of patient with specifique ID and with the folder structure the filtering is more simple (the are a lot of différents document ).
We have a third-party software (medical software) with which different patients are registered.
Thanks to the URL it is possible to make a filter on the result list with the patient's ID but all the documents are present in the list and the doctor must look for a specific document from a long list (depends on the patient).
Being able to see the file structure will allow the doctor to have a better visibility on the documents and to find more quickly the necessary documents during the consultation.Best regards
Ibrahim Khamash commented
sometimes we need to integrate with third party application and show the documents in it in folder structure view for example we need to call Folder Structure Result List Platform API Also Version Control Platform API is need in some scenarios in case we are storing documents from a third party solution.