API methods to create roles / groups / File Cabinet
I need to create roles / groups and File Cabinets easily and quickly. To do so it would be nice to have the API method.
I know it's not recommend to use the method I can found in the web browser (for instance : DocuWare/Settings/SettingsService.svc/jwt/SaveRole).
I kind of understood that I need to get the token with the grant type "authorization_code" to use such kind of request. I understood that you are not willing to give that method to the community yet.
In my current project I had the idea to have an Axon Ivy over Docuware to materialize the complex HR processes the client needs. Docuware and Axon Ivy would have work perfectly for our business case.
However, that's not possible until I have these API methods. Please provide them to the community !

Frédéric Escudero commented
That's a must have for large companies.
Rousseau commented