We use the cloud version of DocuWare and in prior versions I was able to click on Configurations > Product Overview, and it would show all the Named/Workflow users in a nonalphabetical list.
I would perform a select all on that page and then paste the data into Excel where I would format it so it could be imported into SQL. In SQL that data would be compared to a master list that contained which employees should be active and what license they should have.
Reason I must do this is because once a Sync between AD and DocuWare completes, people start to call the help desk saying they can’t access DocuWare, or they now do not have the permissions to do anything anymore. After looking into it we find out that they are now not active, or they are active with the wrong license or no license.
I understand that it was removed from the Product Overview and put into the DocuWare Administration App. I need to have an export option because it is unacceptable for you to tell me I have to use my eyes to continually verify line by line after a Sync to fix the issues that shouldn’t be happening in the first place.
Have the same issue.
We use the cloud version of DocuWare and in prior versions I was able to click on Configurations > Product Overview, and it would show all the Named/Workflow users in a nonalphabetical list.
I would perform a select all on that page and then paste the data into Excel where I would format it so it could be imported into SQL. In SQL that data would be compared to a master list that contained which employees should be active and what license they should have.
Reason I must do this is because once a Sync between AD and DocuWare completes, people start to call the help desk saying they can’t access DocuWare, or they now do not have the permissions to do anything anymore. After looking into it we find out that they are now not active, or they are active with the wrong license or no license.
I understand that it was removed from the Product Overview and put into the DocuWare Administration App. I need to have an export option because it is unacceptable for you to tell me I have to use my eyes to continually verify line by line after a Sync to fix the issues that shouldn’t be happening in the first place.