Ability to create custom actions
Sometimes we want to perform actions that DW doesn't provide out of the box. In those cases we usually create external processes making use of DW Platform API.
What I propose is to allow developers to create custom actions that users can use in web client when they right-click a document or entry from a result list so that custom code can run in synchronous fashion.

Thank you for your idea. We added it to our collection of ideas and features and will further investigate it. We currently cannot say exactly when this idea will be implemented. As soon as we have more information we will update its status.
Anonymous commented
It would be great to have multiple operations in the interface, not only a single one.
Anonymous commented
this would be an awesome feature to be inclued in DocuWare it will open lots of possibilities
I´ve came with an Inteface like this:
/// <summary>
/// The location where the button with the custom operation will be placed
/// </summary>
public enum Location
ContextMenu, //Right click on the document entry on the webclient
Viewer, // Button on the toolbar
Both, //Self-explanatory
}/// <summary>
/// The custom implemented operation
/// </summary>
public interface ICustomOperation
{/// <summary>
/// The location where the button with the custom operation will be placed
/// </summary>
Location Location { get; }/// <summary>
/// The logic for determining whether the custom operation will be enable or not, basically, SHOW or HIDE the custom button
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fields">The document fields, already populated with the current value</param>
/// <param name="currentUser">The user performing the current operation</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool Enable(DwDocumentFields fields, DwUser currentUser);/// <summary>
/// Any custom logic that could be performed and also allow to modify the fields value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fields">The document fields, already populated with the current value</param>
/// <param name="currentUser">The user performing the current operation</param>
public void Act(DwDocumentFields fields, DWUser currentUser);/// <summary>
/// The operation description text that will be shown in the contextmenu or the tooltip in case of the viewer
/// </summary>
public string Description { get; }}
The following like show a interface suggestion