Finding and Exporting mass documents based on Excel list to local directories
For audit purpose, it would be helpful to find some hundreds / thousands of invoices base on an Excel / CSV list, and export the documents found on a directory on a local PC. This is to hand over the document to the auditors or ministry of finance. Today a robot is doing it one by one, and this needs some days quarterly.

Thank you for your idea. Right now we are focusing on other topics, so we are not considering this idea for future releases. If the demand for this topic increases, we might add it to future plans.
Toby Gilbertson commented
We have a similar requirement from a client. Having sold a portion of their business, they need to transfer a bulk of documents out of the DocuWare platform based on criteria.
Business mergers and divestitures occur all the time so this cannot be an isolated requirement.
I understand that document export is available via REST and .NET APIs but this requires development. DocuWare can already export a document from the client so it would seem logical that an enhancement could be made to export all documents from a search dialogue.
Believe it or not, this was a function in the old Fortis application that DocuWare replaced for many - you could export all files based on a query to local disk with an associated index file.