Embedding a third-party source
Until docuware’s new web release, we successfully used to embed docuware into our web site.
To do this, we loaded it via iframe tag, but it doesn’t work anymore.
Actually we can embed just the docuware login page but, after the user has logged in, the response page appears as empty (white page is shown into the iframe). Talking about this problem to Docuware support, in their opinion it seems caused by a “security related issue: X-Frame-Origins: SAMEORIGIN. Since docuware-online is not from the same origin like your site where you embed the integration, the body stays empty. At the moment it is not possible to embed a third-party source”.
So, they suggested me to “enter a feature on https://docuware.uservoice.com/ and if this is ranked higher, it will get implemented.”
Thank you

As I announced in my email I close the idea. Best, Mario Schwarz