DocuWare Import Service Needs Error Notification Capability
The DocuWare Import Service desperately needs some kind of email notification to alert administrators when documents are not going into the system. I have been having an issue lately (I am working with support on this) where documents coming in through the import service are erroring out with a 401 error. I have no way to know this is happening without manually checking the import history or my users telling me there is something missing. Admins need some way to know there are issues so they can be resolved in a timely manner. Unresolved issues lead to users losing confidence in the system.

Thank you for your idea. We added it to our collection of ideas and features and will further investigate it. We currently cannot say exactly when this idea will be implemented. As soon as we have more information we will update its status.
Matthew Laski commented
Happened again today ... its bad when the only notification I get of an error is my users complaining.