improve "keyword" fieldtype
At the moment a keyword field is limited to 20 characters and 60 entrys per document.
Also it would be very useful to enter more then one value per keyword. For example if a user wants to give multiple amounts and the referenced cost centers for an invoice it is very complicated.
Best would be to have a keyword field, which is in itself multiple field. So that the keyword table in the database would look something like this: "DOCID;DWKEYWORD1;DWKEYWORD2;DWKEYWORD3".
First part of the idea is solved with version 6.9. Please create a new idea for the second part (the table field).
Thilo Meier (Alos Solution) commented
Yeah, more than 60 entrys per document and 255 characters would be a good start :)
Claudio Bernardes commented
I have voted for this idea, but my need is much more simple.
We store internal documents about our invested companies. We would like to use the keyword field to store the several companies... but 20 characters is not enough
Put it to 255