Client (English)
Please post all ideas that concern the DocuWare client in this forum.
14 results found
Allow block to file system
In previous DocuWare versions you could block a document from the file cabinet to the Desktop for instance. Then you could work on this file and then import and unblock the document in DocuWare. In 6.6 you only can block to the Document tray.
30 votesThe checkout to the file system will become available again with version 6.7
CSV export of Table Data Type from result list
We need to export the information stored in tables. I propose that if a table is included in a result list and we export the index values of the result list that there would be one row for each row of table data.... with the other index fields repeating for each row of table data for that document. Example: Invoices that use table data to list mulitple GL codes. The invoice number, vendor name, total amount would repeat for each unique line of table data, then the next invoice document would start the same type format.
19 votesThank you for your contribution. Your idea is available with version 7.5.
You’ll find more information here:
Add ability in web client to transfer multiple documents from one file cabinet to another.
Currently in order to move a file from one cabinet to another you have to copy the selected document to your basket and then store it to the other file cabinet. This is a pain if you have lots of documents. It would be a nice feature if there was this option as it was available in the desktop version.
17 votesThe functionality to copy a number of documents from one file cabinet to another is implemented and will become available with a future release of DW
Export to ERP System
I suggest you to have a feature to export index data for erp system after the documents are archived with Intelligent Indexing. The export must contain also the DOCID number to link the ERP system to document stored in Docuware
10 votesThank you for your contribution. Your idea is available with version 7.5.
You’ll find more information here: -
Expand on the "Send Request" feature
The "Send Request" feature seems to already contain a lot of functionality, but for some reason the access has been made limited. The ability to export "Send Requests" with user, decision, and show everyone who still needs to make a decision would be extremely valuable. It appears all the data is collected in the database, we just don't have access to it.
6 votesThank you for your contribution.
Your idea is available now.
Email Invoices Directly to Vendors for Inquires
It would be nice to have a way to load vendor email addresses in DocuWare so when we email an invoice directly from DocuWare the vendor email address will populate.
4 votesThank you for your contribution. This sounds like a configuration issue. You should be able to add email addresses into DocuWare and send the invoice automatically.
Bring back more detail in the download of the search list
In the older versions of DocuWare, the downloaded text file from a search of a cabinet included the storage date and time, docid and number pages. Since the users really have no reporting capabilites in DocuWare, this was the one way they could survey their cabinet and find possible misfiled docs. Attaching a test sample from a cabinet.
3 votesThank you for your contribution. Your idea is now available if your result list contains these fields.
Ability to send a page via Email
There used to be an option to send a document from the viewer and select Page or Document when sending via email. With the new version you can only do this with download and not send.
3 votesYour idea is available in the product.
Export Workflow Tasks as CSV file
It would be a great idea if users and controllers can export a CSV data file directly of their workflow tasks. It delay their operations because they most make a search and get a result list for export even they could wrong the filters and get wrong data.
2 votesThank you for your contribution. Your idea is available with version 7.9.
Export data in CSV files
I need Export index fields in a document into docuware, for example supplier invoices filed in docuware. Several customers have made this request ....
Thanks2 votesThank you for your contribution. Your idea is available with the new Module DocuWare Export since mid of 2021 for Cloud and with version 7.5 for on-premises installations
CSV file for documents with link to stored documents in the file cabinet
It will be better to export documents into a CSV file with links to open the documents right from the CSV file.
1 voteThank you for your contribution. Your idea is available with the new DocuWare module DocuWare Export.
Track metadata of all documents circulated through DocuWare, including those deleted, into an export file
Once a document is deleted from the DocuWare platform, we loose all information related to the document (meta data).
It would be useful, for audit purpose at least, to track metadata of all documents circulated through DocuWare, including those deleted into a formatted document (CSV), that could be exported.
1 voteThank you for your contribution. You can do this with the new module DocuWare Export.
Daten-Exportieren Das manipulieren der zu exportierenden Indexfelder sollte möglich sein und es sollten mehr Foramatierungsmöglichkeiten
Der neue Daten-Export steht in der Cloud zur Verfügung, wenn man der Idee folgt in Indexfelder (Insbesondere Table Fields) einen Aufbau nach "Nummer > Bezeichnung" zu wählen, kann das beim Export nicht manipuliert werden. (Nur die Nummer sollte exportiert werden.
D.h. es ist insbesondere bei, auslesen der Table Fields nicht möglich, die erfassten Daten in eine Verarbeitungsfähige csv zu übergeben.
Für Indexfelder kann das umgangen werden, in dem der Eintrag vor dem Export in eine dafür angelegtes Indexfeld geschrieben wird, welches dann exportiert wird.
Da derzeit nicht in Table-Fields geschrieben werden kann, ist es derzeit besonders schädlich, dass nicht wie…1 voteVielen Dank fürIhren Beitrag. Ihre Idee ist mit der Version 7.6 verfügbar.
It'd be very helpful and nice if we can just upload the RO's that scanned to our desktop to the docuware site.
I'd like to be able to export RO's that were accidentally scanned to my desktop into docuware. A drag and drop feature would be super helpful in this matter. There are three people that scan from one computer and right now we have 225 RO's sitting on my desktop that could be uploaded or imported to the system.
1 voteThank you for your contribution. You can either use DocuWare Import with a folder where you drag all files into the folder or you just drag and drop them into the document tray in the browser.
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