Export to ERP System
I suggest you to have a feature to export index data for erp system after the documents are archived with Intelligent Indexing. The export must contain also the DOCID number to link the ERP system to document stored in Docuware

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Killian commented
Our supplier gave us an export program. With it we're able to export as CSV datas from docuware indexes. It's very usefull so we can exchange with our ERP.
But these export programs aren't flexible at all.
It would be very usefull if exports programs were in DW web interface with a link with desktop apps so we can map with local directories... -
Anonymous commented
It is not logical that the data from invoice, read by Docuware, the user has to manually enter in the ERP.
AdminMario Schwarz (Admin, DocuWare) commented
Thank you for your reply, Mr. Bensi. The DocuWare system field "DocID" cannot be included in a result list at the moment. May I please ask what the reason is why you want to use this field and not a field "Document number" for this that could be part of a result list? Is it because the DocId is automatically assigned and a field "Document number" is not?
@ Mr. Meth: Auto Index would be an option, too - yes. Thanks for the remark!
Maurizio Bensi commented
Hi Mario, in the CSV file we need also Docuware DOCID to link the ERP system with Docuware. With Docuware DOCID I can store this information in the ERP database, and with Smart Connect I can retrieve the document store in Docuware very quickly.
David Meth commented
With Auto-Index?
AdminMario Schwarz (Admin, DocuWare) commented
Dear Mr. Bensi, as of now it is already possible to export the index data of results of a certain result list as a csv file via the context menu of a result list. You sure can include also index values that were filled by Intelligent Indexing. The csv will include the index values displayed for the result entries separated by commas. May I please ask, what you mean with the DocId- do you mean the document number or really the DocuWare system field "DocId"?