Require entries in table field on forms
I would like the ability to require at least one row be completed in a table field on the form.
I would also like the ability to require certain columns in the table field to be required for each row of the table.

Connie commented
I would also like the ability to setup a behavior using the sum of a field in the table.
Example: There's a numeric field on the form with a total. I want a behavior so that when they fill in the table field on the form, the sum of a table column must match the amount in the numeric box on the form before they can submit the form. -
Mathieu SENECAL commented
I totally agree with you, and will add three following points that seem essential to me :
- being able to use table fields in a merge form
- being able to use hierarchies between 2 or more columns in tables based on the same multi-column list.
- being able to use hierarchies between a list field outside the table and 1 or more list field in the table based on the same multi-column list.Are there any requests for improvements already created on this subject, to vote for !
Thanks and Regards,