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Configuration (English)

Please post all ideas that concern the configuration of DocuWare in this forum (i.e. DocuWare Administration, Workflow Designer, Desktop Apps).

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29 results found

  1. Grant access to create Baskets and File Cabinets to the API

    When working within the API you have the ability to create users and assign them groups and roles. However, you still have to manually create Baskets for the users to use.

    By the same token, now that you are able to export and import a valid XML for a FIle Cabinet to speed up creation, you should be able to create a method to allow passing of an XML (or FC class).

    Once the idea for export/import Workflows is completed, it would be nice to have this functionality for that as well, as it will significantly speed up moving data…

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  2. Multi column select list filtered by hided fields

    I set a multicolumn select list to a field and added a filter to another field that has a fixed value.
    it would be nice if, hiding the fixed field, the filter continued to work.

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  3. Automatically change label names when you change a database field name

    Currently, when you change the name of a database field, the dialogs all keep the old field name as a "Label". This forces me to go into every dialog (including result list and index dialogs) and erase the label so that it matches the new field name.

    When I'm changing a database field name, it is because a customer wants the field name to change everywhere.

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  4. Dynamic Store Dialog

    Ability to change the store dialog dynamically based on the fields. For example the document type. Forms already has some dynamic fields based on others, and is very helpful. This would reduce the need to have many different store dialogs for each type of document.

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  5. Add data validation to store dialog

    Have the ability to make validations and rules to a store dialog. It is important to prevent storing duplicated invoices for example.

    The REQUIRED or not field is very basic validation. Forms already has field validation.

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    1 comment  ·  File Cabinet  ·  Admin →
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  6. Allow selection of Dialogs and profiles when a new field is created

    You should allow the selection of dialogs and profiles when creating a new field. The field being only assigned to the standard dialogs it's not enough when costumers have 30+ profiles, 30+ dialogs and 50+ tasklists.
    Thank you.

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  7. Document history within tasks

    If you want to view document history by clicking on it in tasks, you will only see history for that particular workflow. It would be great to see whole document history even if I want to watch it in tasks.

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  8. When using an XML file to clone a file cabinet, the dialog permissions aren't set.

    Dialog assignments need to get copied as well when copying a file cabinet

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  9. Separate permissions focused on export option

    In new versions we suggest that download, print and e-mail options be separate in the management of docuware profiles. These options should not be focused on the "export" option. For our organization these separate options would give a better control of permissions on users and is very necessary.

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    1 comment  ·  File Cabinet  ·  Admin →
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  10. Restrict possibility to apply a Stamp based on document index fields

    It would be useful to be able to restrict the possibility of applying a stamp on a document according to its indexes, some examples :

    • A stamp is intended for certain types of documents and has no purpose to be applied to others

    • A stamp can only be applied if the document is at a certain status

    • A stamp can only be applied if all the required fields have been completed

    This would make it possible to propose processes in case management and optimize the user experience by displaying only the stamps that are useful for the document

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  11. Allow SQL command in index profile on cloud version

    On on premice version, index profile can be defined with an SQL command allowing to write complex sql command
    this option is disable on cloud version

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  12. fixed select list field be copied to a new file cabinet on another system

    How can a fixed select list field be copied to a new file cabinet on another system

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  13. Have the ability to add tabel field rows

    Would be benificail to have tabels fields be able to add and multiple rows for entering line items

    for example, you enter line item Unite cost and the quanity and have the total calculate under a 3rd column fpor the total cost of item..

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  14. list from multi file cabinet

    Have the ability to create a List from multiple file cabinets

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  15. Document Processing - Add more content conditions for the identification and splitting rules

    Ability to have multiple content conditions for identifying and splitting documents with AND & OR operators.

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  16. Have to get back ability to determine total number of documents in a file cabinet.

    First the developers take away the ability to increase the number of documents in a result list. Now we can't even use 'Check FullText Status' to get a total amount of documents in a file cabinet.

    Thankfully we only have 1 customer who uses DocuWare-Online, so at least we can query the database for most of our users.

    When you migrate a customer to the cloud, there is no way to check to make sure if the file cabinets match when done.

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  17. Using admin define Stamps only

    Using the docuware ( ECM the admin define some Stamps intended to update indexes.

    Can i prevent users from creating his own Stamps? and also using these personal stamps to update indexes ?

    The users must only use the admin defined stamps, and not stamps defined by his own user into the configurations section.

    I try to remove the Set Stamp option from a function profile, but the all the Stamps was affected even the ones expected to work (the user admin defined stamps).

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  18. have the ability to prohibit the addition or deletion of rows in a table:

    in the use of tables, we have in some cases the need to secure them against the addition or deletion of rows.

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  19. Change standard permission profile names on Cloud

    In some cases, the names of imported cabinet profiles use different terminology or are based on a different language than what the users would prefer. The ability to change these names could be useful to these users.

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  20. Extraer información certificado incrustado - Extract embedded certificate information

    Al recibir documentos con certificados digitales incrustados, se debería de poder extraer los metadatos para poder realizar validaciones posteriores
    Esto lo solicitan clientes por temas de la Ley Crece

    When receiving documents with embedded digital certificates, it should be possible to extract the metadata for subsequent validation.
    This is requested by customers due to Ley Crece issues.

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