Professional Query with Platform Services · Added to Ideas Backlog
FIll out DocuWare Forms Fields with Query String
Add the ability read JSON response data as lists (add REST API as data connection)
DW Cloud - Local Data Connector - 1000 Line Limit is BAD THING
ability to hide or disable 'create data record' · Added to Ideas Backlog
Calculate Index Data using index field values · Completed
Add File connections and Local Data Connector connections to Workflow Engine (External Data) · Completed
Multi Column Select List - Auto-Populate Data Once a Feld Is Selected · Added to Ideas Backlog
Ability to change the query of a list · Added to Ideas Backlog
Allow for direct File Cabinet Storage after data extraction.
provide the currentlonguser() command in the custom query of SelectList So it will be possible to obtain SelectList dynamic per-user · Added to Ideas Backlog
Intelligent indexing - Reset learned data for one document
Allow workflow global variables in SQL query to retreive external data. · Completed
CSV export of Table Data Type from result list · Completed
Data in Form fields from different source
Create a data record from a form
add a simple validation tool not requiring programming... · Added to Ideas Backlog
prefill data on web forms
Dynamische externe Auswahllisten benötigt. · Completed
Create data record with forms