Multi Column Select List - Auto-Populate Data Once a Feld Is Selected
Is this possible......
Multi-Column select lists.......
If a user selects an entry in a field using a multi column select list, it auto populates the data in the other fields that are configured in that store dialog using the multi-column select list.
I think this could be a very powerful feature that would eliminate a lot of processing time. If configured and programmed correctly, using a database connection select list, it could enhance DocuWare considerably.
Many thanks
Sam Bangert

Thank you for your idea. We added it to our collection of ideas and features and will further investigate it. We currently cannot say exactly when this idea will be implemented. As soon as we have more information we will update its status.
J Pendleton commented
I would also like to have the ability for the multi-column select list to allow me to select a field on the form and match it to the selected column. ie: Employee Number is a field on the form, it is also in the multi-column select list. But we have to have the user key it in again, seems redundent.
Michael Weingand commented
I have run into this with 4 of my clients and now my own accounting department would like this.
Frédéric Escudero commented
All my customers ask for this feature. They really don't understand why they have to fill the fields with only one value selectable ! It's already possible with Forms, why is it not in dialogs ?
Jojo Goodwin commented
This feels like such a basic thing compared to the other things DW can do. It really is a must have for multi-column select lists, otherwise why have them at all?
Jeff commented
This should definitely be an option. I can see where a multi-column select list might filter down to several possible choices in the next field, for example a Folder field might limit the Document Type field to a subset of document types. This appears to be how it works today.
But, you should also have the ability to configure it to select maybe the first matching field to auto-fill that into the next field(s). For example, by entering an employee number, it would populate the first name and last name fields automatically.
It seems like we're 90% of the way there with what we have now, but automating this would be very useful. It's tedious to click on multiple drop down index fields simply to select the only matching entry.
Victoria Tumwebaze commented
I just had a meeting with a client who asked if this was possible and I said, " have to click on the arrow and pick the provided option." Clients seem to expect this feature to be working, and I agree, this feature would eliminate a lot of processing time.
Jon Weston commented
Not only would this be a powerful feature, it's almost universally expected these days.
Steve Shriver commented
Put a check box in the configuration of the fields in a file cabinet to enable or disable this field being filled in when using the 'Complete Indexing' option in the store dialog. (Similar to the "Select list filtered by... check box). This would allow some fields to be left empty so that the user would not have to change the data brought back by the "Complete Indexing' option.
For Example, An Invoice may have the same PO Number as a previously entered Invoice, but not the same amount, due date, etc.