Workflow Designer -> Assign Data -> Allow List Variables to be assigned more than once
There are two ways I have found to assign list variables:
1. from database query which returns multiple rows
2. from multiple assignment statements without the "replace" box ticked.
If 1. is not available, the only way to accomplish is to have a series of Assign Data activities, one per item in the list, since the List Variable is no longer available from the choices of variables to assign data, once it is used the first time.
Creating a loop is also possible, and so far this is the best way I've found, along with using some <ugly> nested VBA in the break condition.
Being able to assign data to a GV_ListVariable more than once within an Assign Data activity makes sense for simple lists, especially in the case where the structure is known, but the content is variable.
I'm not determined I know how to do this properly since it's not pretty, but it is the guidance I've received.
Is there a VB expression which can be used in Arithmetic Expression assignment to return a list variable? If you can do this I'll be floored. :o)