All various configurations such as C2O, Baskets, Printer etc created by other users should be visible to Organization Administrator
All configurations such as baskets, C2O, SmartConnect etc should be visible to Organization Administrator

After reviewing this use case we have determined that this type of behavior would have a non-desirable impact in organizations which have lots of configurations, where administrators do no wish to see all configurations. We have added to our product roadmap a new idea for improved deletion of users – we have planned a feature to allow the administrator to delete all or take ownership of all configurations owned by a user when deleting that user.
Tobias Nebl commented
I think this feature would be extremely useful, but it should be optional. For example by giving the system/Organization Administrator a checkbox "Show all configs". It's sort of similar to checked out Documents - you don't want to see them all the time, but sometimes you need to.
It doesn't strictly only concern the deletion of users either - what if you need to shut down or change a config that doesn't fill important fields, or a webbasket without a size limit?