Add in a feature that allows you to export and import specific configuration settings.
As a Docuware DSC it would be extremely helpful to be able to export and import settings and configurations such as Import configurations, predefined workflows, stamps, Docuware Printer configs, and web baskets.
Countless hours have been wasted recreating these things for customers or waiting on access to a customer server. Adding this feature would eliminate that because we could import backup configurations and/or build them in house and then transfer them to the customers server via an import process.
I understand that a lot of these setting are currently grabbed in a System Settings Backup, however, most of the time a full system restoration is not needed just certain parts of the system. Having those part broken out into separate exportable files that can be later imported into a system would be very helpful.
Fausto Rivera commented
This can be very helpful for a customer that wants to have a testing file cabinet where the settings can be tested. once everything is tested we can then just export/import the settings into the live file cabinet. I am talking about Stamps/AutoIndex Workflows/FC Profiles/Web Settings like docuware printers and so on...
Grant Friedrich commented
This would be helpful as well for doing Active Import -> Desktop Import side-grades, if it could be Incorporated.