Allow to create custom scripts in the workflow designers
It would be helpfull if in the workflow activity we had a special activity called "Script".
We should be able to write a custom DLL and call this DLL in the workflow.
This dll could be written in VB.NET or C#, have access to the GAPI.
In this custom script, we should be able to :
- Retrieve (and modify) data index from the document
- Retirieve (and modify) data index from the workflow instance
- Export data (eg : export XML readable by an accounting software)
- Send emails
- Dynamically populate user(s) for next activity
In this way we can extend the functionality of workflow.

Nate French commented
VBA is already accessible in "Arithmetic Expressions" but using it is limited to evaluating a single expression. And you only effectively have one line of text (which wraps but can't have newlines).
AdminTobias Getz (Admin, DocuWare) commented
In DocuWare Version 6.5, this can be accomplished with the new Web Service activity. You can pass variables from the workflow to the web service and the web service can return a value into the workflow.