Ability to Release license manually from administration level
Allow from DocuWare Administration utility ability to release individual user license manually without having to release all users through an IIS re-set.
Jason Scott commented
Bumping this because this shortcoming has caused us grief yet again. Hopefully, we can get this implemented soon.
IUser225 commented
Poorly thought out from an Administrative standpoint. The ability to manually disconnect users should have been included from day one.
Eric Nemchik commented
So I've seen a couple comments on this (got the email notifications) and they seem to have been removed (probably for the best). Honestly while I do think a feature like this would be nice it's not a product killing hinderance. Locked licenses expire after a period of inactivity. I have never seen a license just stay locked inexplicably or indefinitely. If you have I would strongly recommend you contact DocuWare support. That's to prevent abuse. Sure it would be nice as an admin to be able to force a license to unlock under specific circumstances, but it's certainly not stopping me or my clients from using the software long term.
Anonymous commented
The inability to manage sessions, especially when using a browser to run sessions, is absurd!
Anonymous commented
Listen. You need either a user time out (due to inactivity) or the ability to do this through the admin. It is absolutely ridiculous that this obvious feature is not a priority. Stop calling obvious shortcomings "ideas."
PEGS commented
116 and counting
Brayan Rodríguez commented
PEGS commented
In addition to the security implications, with named licenses, not logging out inactive users causes problems because if a user leaves a session open and moves to another workstation or goes home he/she will be unable to connect. Also, if I am not mistaken , the Configuration menu DOES close out inactive sessions.
Joseph Kaufman commented
The move to named licenses is very clear now. Still, the ability to control logins is an essential part of administration.
Kim Sims commented
Is there a reason this hasn't been implemented in DW at this stage? It has been requested for years and is very much needed at the administrator level to effectively administer a system with a small user population.
Tony Groeschl commented
We're so close! With the Connections Overview...you can view every user consuming a license...but you can't boot them out. Every other document management system I've worked with has that "return license" feature. Let's make it happen. DW 7.1 ???
Nate French commented
The ability to manually expire a license in use (e.g. a ghost session) would indeed be very helpful to have in the license usage window of the Admin Tool. It even could be a context-menu when right-clicking on the license in use.
Brian Kraft commented
Anonymous commented
I agree Jeff. I really think DocuWare should consider this feature more. I get asked about it by customers all the time.
Jeff R. commented
I brought this up at DocuWorld with the DocuWare Engineers and was received with great reception. It is disappointing that DocuWare can't make this work and a license needs to be purchased and reserved just so administrators can administrate the system effectively.
I have also ran into issues with Chrome where the session does not clear the license for longer amounts of time if the user closes the window as the session stays connected longer. Other document systems have had this feature as a default.
Jeff R. commented
I brought this up at DocuWorld with the DocuWare Engineers and was received with great reception. It is disappointing that DocuWare can't make this work and a license needs to be purchased and reserved just so administrators can administrate the system effectively.
I have also ran into issues with Chrome where the session does not clear the license for longer amounts of time if the user closes the window as the session stays connected longer. Other document systems have had this feature as a default.
Matthew commented
Switched to "NOT CURRENTLY PLANNED". How INCREDIBLY disappointing.
Thorsten Sprenger commented
wir haben sehr große Probleme festzustellen, welcher User (über welchen Browser oder welche Session bzw. Instanz auch immer) sich eine Concurrent Lizenz gegriffen hat, selbst wenn dieser im System sogar als "Named User" deklariert worden ist. Wir müssen immer über die Datenbank gehen und User die längst (teils seit Stunden, sogar Tagen!) nicht mehr angemeldet sind manuell rausschmeissen. Das hält kein KUNDENSUPPORT auf lange Sicht durch. Das Tool ist ein MUSS!
Antoine Wassouf commented
DocuWare admin must be able to kill a session or decrease the life time for ticket
to 1 minute at least.
It is an added value to DocuWare administration.