Client (English)
Please post all ideas that concern the DocuWare client in this forum.
251 results found
Allow to duplicate a table field row
Rows in a table field can be pretty similar in documents like invoices. It would be helpful to allow to duplicate a row when storing data, as well as when adding data in a workflow task.
2 votesThank you for your idea! With upcoming version 7.6, inside the Store Dialog, it will be possible to duplicate rows of a table field.
Incluir listas de selección filtradas
Estará muy bien incluir listas de selección filtradas en los campos de Forms de Docuware similar a los campos en Web Client. Esto ayudaría bastante en llenado de formularios y evitara errores al capturar manual algún dato.
1 voteThank you for your contribution. Your idea is available with version 7.6.
Nahtlose Integration von Office online
Ein paar Kunden von uns wünschen sich die Funktion, dass wenn ein Dokument mit Office online bearbeitet werden soll, sich nicht zusätzlich über Office 365 anmelden zu müssen.
Wenn man die Docuware Anmeldung mit der Office online Anmeldung verknüpfen könnte, würde dann ein trusted Login zwischen Office online und Docuware entstehen und müsste sich nicht noch zusätzlich bei Office online anmelden.
Jetzt: Excel Dokument in Docuware öffnen und dann auf den Button Bearbeten> in Office Online > Anmeldedaten für Office eingeben und dann das Dokument bearbeiten.
Mit verknüpften Konten.
Excel Dokument in Docuware öffnen und dann auf den Button…1 voteVielen Dank für Ihre Idee.
Wenn Sie in DocuWare die Authentifizierung über das Maicrosoft Login nutzen, erhalten Sie keinen zusätzlichen Anmeldedialog.
CSV file for documents with link to stored documents in the file cabinet
It will be better to export documents into a CSV file with links to open the documents right from the CSV file.
1 voteThank you for your contribution. Your idea is available with the new DocuWare module DocuWare Export.
Track metadata of all documents circulated through DocuWare, including those deleted, into an export file
Once a document is deleted from the DocuWare platform, we loose all information related to the document (meta data).
It would be useful, for audit purpose at least, to track metadata of all documents circulated through DocuWare, including those deleted into a formatted document (CSV), that could be exported.
1 voteThank you for your contribution. You can do this with the new module DocuWare Export.
Allow Arithmetic Expressions in Forms
Allow the use of arithmetic expressions in forms. This would be used to either populate cabinet fields with form fields or work out calculations on the forms. Right now our users are adding in sub fields and manually having to total and also include in field. Would be ideal to have calculation done through form.
7 votesThank you for your contribution!Your idea is available with version 7.8 from April 2023 onwards.
Create data record with Workflow Designer
It would be awesome to have the ability to create data records with workflow designer.
4 votesWith version 7.9, you can now use DocuWare's own REST API in the workflow. Data records can also be created from there.
Daten-Exportieren Das manipulieren der zu exportierenden Indexfelder sollte möglich sein und es sollten mehr Foramatierungsmöglichkeiten
Der neue Daten-Export steht in der Cloud zur Verfügung, wenn man der Idee folgt in Indexfelder (Insbesondere Table Fields) einen Aufbau nach "Nummer > Bezeichnung" zu wählen, kann das beim Export nicht manipuliert werden. (Nur die Nummer sollte exportiert werden.
D.h. es ist insbesondere bei, auslesen der Table Fields nicht möglich, die erfassten Daten in eine Verarbeitungsfähige csv zu übergeben.
Für Indexfelder kann das umgangen werden, in dem der Eintrag vor dem Export in eine dafür angelegtes Indexfeld geschrieben wird, welches dann exportiert wird.
Da derzeit nicht in Table-Fields geschrieben werden kann, ist es derzeit besonders schädlich, dass nicht wie…1 voteVielen Dank fürIhren Beitrag. Ihre Idee ist mit der Version 7.6 verfügbar.
Improve Intelligent Indexing
Increasing number of fields and precision on large documents (lots of pages and tables).
17 votesThank you for your contribution! Your idea is available with version 7.8 from April 2023 onwards.
We have improved the indexing quality of table fields by Intelligent Indexing. Also we increased the number of customizable index fields, which can be configured in the mapping in the store dialog.
toggle mandatory fields
similar to many web forms today, it would be great if you could enable/disable mandatory fields based on the selection of a prior field. Lets say I have a document type select list with "Invoice - A" and "Invoice - B" as options. if you choose A, these 2 fields now show as mandatory, but if you show B, these 3 fields now show as mandatory.
3 votesThank you for your contribution. Your idea is already available.
Allow turning filters off by default when indexing
In version 7.1 at least, users complain that when indexing they need to turn off filtering every time in order to see the full select lists in fields they need to fill in. Filters cannot be turned off by default. Once they fill in any fields, the remaining fields only display filtered values unless they turn off the filters.
1 voteThank you for your contribution. This setting is persisted from last usage, so if a user does turn off the filter, it is aloso off for the next dialog
Knowledge Center
Now the knowledge center remembers I speak English but the Table of Contents is in German and the bod of the search is in English and it does not change if I try to click on the language.....ALMOST THERE!
1 voteThank you for your contribution. The Knowledge Center is available in several languages, also the table of content should be the same language. Maybe delete the cache of the browser or try a different browser.
Allow use of Multi GL table within mobile app
GL split is not enabled on MOBILE. Following error is received:
The Docware server has encountered an error with the message: Assignment in activity: 'Approve' failed! [1: GL_SPLIT] Decision doesn't contains variable with id : 22! Parameter name: last Decision
How about enabling the GL split workflows to work on Mobile.
4 votesThank you for your contribution. Your idea is now available.
Stop Workflow Task if Document is deleted option
If a document is mistakenly stored to a file cabinet and kicks off a workflow, but then needs to be deleted the workflow steps remain. They should be automatically killed if the document is deleted. This would save the time of deleting the document and then searching for the task and stopping it.
4 votes -
Restore deleted documents
It could be nice and really well appreciated to be able to restore documents after deletion, a bit like the Windows recycle bin
Thank you5 votesThank you for your contribution. Your idea is available with version 7.8.
Create a field in the Store Dialog for Notes
Create a field in the Store Dialog for Notes just like there one for Workflow.
It would be helpful to provide users with some form of instruction at the time of indexing.
1 voteThank you for your contribution. You can accomplish this with a memo field which is prefilled with the store dialog and set as read only.
Table Fields - Hide Columns On Demand
In the workflow and also in general, it would really help to be able to hide columns in a Table Field on demand just like you can with Fields themselves.
1 voteThank you for your contribution. Your idea is available with version 7.4.
Page Resizing While Viewing Multi-Page Documents
I've created an E-Form allowing photos to be added as attachments. When it comes into DocuWare, the first page (the form) looks great, but the second page (the photo) is very large. If I resize the photo down, and switch back to the first page, the document is tiny. It would be helpful if you could do something about this, either resize photos to fit the window automatically, or allow each page to be sized independently.
1 voteThis is already possible if you use the viewing options “Fit to width” or “Fit to whole page”
Add a 'filter' view to the workflow task list (or a second level of grouping for tasks)
This idea was sent to my by a customer: It would be great if we could have 2 level of organization for the task. If you had a primary name and a secondary name DW could display all tasks with the primary name in one tab and when you click on it, you would have a drop down of all secondary names. It could be very useful for us as we do have many offices that have the same task. In this example, we have 2 main tasks (Small Bills and Supplier Invoice) . Most users have access to one…
1 voteThank you for your contribution. Your idea is available since version 7.1.
I have users that would like to draw circles as well as squares with annotations
Several Users would like to have a circle illustration tool in addition to the rectangle that is already available in annotations
1 voteThank you for your contribution. Your idea is already available. Maybe the circle tool is not visible. Please to got Profile & Settings —> Viewer and look in the annotations area.
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