Use PDF Keyfields for indexing
The system does not recognize or utilize any of the fields already available created and available in a PDF document nor will docuware display any of that information that is contained in the document. This will be a huge shortcomming for any system. It is critically important that we find a way to pickup the meta data from the PDF and display the metadata found within the PDF or we will at some time have a competitor that will and they will have an distinct advantage.....Docuware does not at this time apply all of the PDF standards correctly for viewing nor does it utilize the PDF key fields as it should. it is my understanding that Laserfiche does.

CP Williams commented
The system does not recognize or utilize any of the fields already available created and available in a PDF document nor will docuware display any of that information that is contained in the document. This will be a huge shortcomming for any system. It is critically important that we find a way to pickup the meta data from the PDF and display the metadata found within the PDF or we will at some time have a competitor that will and they will have an distinct advantage.....Docuware does not at this time apply all of the PDF standards correctly for viewing nor does it utilize the PDF key fields as it should. it is my understanding that Laserfiche does.