Configuration (English)
Please post all ideas that concern the configuration of DocuWare in this forum (i.e. DocuWare Administration, Workflow Designer, Desktop Apps).
129 results found
Add dialog checking to the Integrity Check tool
The integrity check tool does not scrutinize dialogs for things like duplicate fields, or fields that don't exist in the file cabinet. These problems can happen if there is a database timeout when adding or deleting a field in a file cabinet. When it happens, the only way to repair it is manually inspect the settings column for each dialog in the database.
10 votes -
Change the logo of webclient with the logo of the client´s company
Hello, we need to change the logo of DocuWare on webclient with a customized logo client's mark. We can be change this on OnPremis Docuware but we need to do this on cloud systems. A lot of clients apply for this changes.
8 votes -
Reverse rule
When configuring access rights for users, it would be beneficial with a "reverse rule" where you can reverse the filter. If a document type filter is set, the button "reverse rule" tells if the user should be able see only the type defined, or all other types.
8 votes -
Stamp Bitmap with Form Field
Currently, if I define a stamp using a bitmap (a nice big angled "Rejected.jpg" image for example), I also want to require the user to specify a rejection reason.
If I do not use a bitmap, I can specify fields. But if I use a bitmap I cannot. This by definition means that I cannot combine a bitmap with a prompt to specify a region.
Please add the ability to use fields with bitmap stamps so that we can prompt users for additional data to go with the stamp.
8 votesThank you for your idea. We added it to our collection of ideas and features and will further investigate it. We currently cannot say exactly when this idea will be implemented. As soon as we have more information we will update its status.
DW 6.10 Automatic Numbering - reuse number if cancelled. Allow alpha prefix.
This new feature is great. Thank you, Docuware.
Just couple of things: when the store dialog with AutoNumbering fieldi is envoked, and then the stor operation is cancelled, the number that appeared in the stor dialog is not reused any more - so there is a gap in numbers. Is this an intended behavior or can be it changed so if the store operation is cancelled, that number is still available for the next store.
Since the field with Automatic Numbering is already a text field, would be nice to be allowed to prefix number portion of the field with some…
8 votesVielen Dank für Ihre Idee. Wir haben es unserer Sammlung von Ideen und Funktionen hinzugefügt und werden es weiter untersuchen. Wir können derzeit nicht genau sagen, wann diese Idee umgesetzt wird. Sobald wir weitere Informationen haben, werden wir den Status aktualisieren.
Predefine workflow job that converts DWTIFF (DW5.x and DW4.x) to a new PDF format
If you are dealing with very large documents that we were in DWTIFF format and now you want to bring back to the web basket it take extremely extremely long time to convert to a new PDF format. It works but it will be better if the conversion so done in the server side so that the clients don’t have to suffer
8 votesCurrently there are no plans to have an background job which converts tiff files to PDF. Main reason is, that this could take a long time and bring high load to the Server. On the other side we know that less than 1% of “old” documents are displayed after they are archived (on average).
For all who have a use case where it makes sense to convert old tiff files please contact our Professional Services Team.
Improve Administration Tool
Improve the administration tool. First by consolidating all of the different tools and utilities required to administrate Docuware. Create this new Administration tool to where you can do your administration in 1 spot and not in 3 spots on 1 utility and 1 spot on another. 1 location for 1 setting. Inhance the security setting, GROUP,ROLE,PROFILE. TOO MUCH.
8 votes -
Index filter hierarchy rights Project > Document
We need project or folder hierarchy rights management.
If user is added to index field on 'project' document that user
should have rights to project documents linked to this 'project' document.This can be configured with free sql statement on index filter rights but requires join statements which are put in where clause so there is a big performance penalty.
7 votes -
User Productivity Reporting
DocuWare should include some basic reporting for administrative purposes. Our area tracks 40+ users per week to see if they are meeting their scanning requirements. Right now, I do this via the SQL backend and a few queries, but it would be great is I did not have to do this every week. Tracking users via the web interface is not viable when you have so many active daily scan users.
7 votes -
Addition of Video format file to play videos from the file cabinet
Docuware should create an avenue where video files could be played from the file cabinet, whether from the file cabinet or playing outside Docuware.
7 votesThank you for your idea. Right now we are focusing on other topics, so we are not considering this idea for future releases. If the demand for this topic increases, we might add it to future plans.
Sort order in external select lists
In the data connector or external list configuration allow the ability to set the sort order by one or more fields in the data connection. Allow workflow designer or sys admin to define or modify the SQL query used to pull the data for the external select list to use WHERE and ORDER BY clauses.
6 votes -
Allow Admin to emulate a user to test permissions viewing, and availability of dialogs/stamps etc
Allow Admin to emulate a user to test permissions viewing, and availability of dialogs/stamps etc.
Don't allow us to apply or modify anything but at least the ability to check the avalibilityof items/lists/tasks/stamps/dialogs everything assigned via a Role/Functional Profile etc.
6 votes -
Synchronize documents from Google Drive or Dropbox
Synchronize documents from Google Drive or Dropbox
6 votesThank you for your idea. Right now we are focusing on other topics, so we are not considering this idea for future releases. If the demand for this topic increases, we might add it to future plans.
URL Creater Options
I would like to be able to create URL's that will take someone to the full Docuware interface while still redirecting them to the piece I want. Currently, if I want to take someone to their task list, it gives them a pruned down interface that doesn't allow them to use all of the features of docuware. Very confusing for the users, as there is no easy way to get the the full interface from the hobbled version.
6 votes -
Allow Admin to limit days and times a user can sign into DocuWare.
Allow the Admin to limit the days and times a user can sign into Docuware.
6 votesThank you for your idea. Right now we are focusing on other topics, so we are not considering this idea for future releases. If the demand for this topic increases, we might add it to future plans.
Provide permanent deletion tickbox within Deletion Policy
I suggest a tick box in the Deletion Policy configuration to bypass the recycle bin and permanently delete documents. This is especially important for Cloud customers since the consumed archive space will only be released after the final deletion of documents (a manual process if executed before the 30 days) and also because it can take up to 4 hours to see the actual storage reduction. I can see other reasons why this feature would be leveraged: customers running low on archive space who may want to delete a large quantity of documents, engineers wanting to repopulate a cabinet, etc.
5 votes -
Disable auto assignment of licenses in cloud.
If a License is held open a new AD user will auto-populate. This is a flaw and security issue. At the least it should be able to be disabled.
5 votes -
Single Sign-on is great however it automatically add all users from AD into Docuware and assigns them a license automatically.
Single Sign-on is great however it automatically add all users from AD into Docuware and assigns them a license automatically.
This process negates the AD user management feature, if they still need to assign licenses manually. Additionally I noticed that ALL AD Groups could be added to Docuware automatically, typically only a subset of AD groups are used in Docuware.
5 votes -
allow configuration of teams and team leads for easy approval workflows.
For Docuware to know who the manager of anyone else is, would be more efficient for approvals, example travel requisitions or leave approvals.
5 votes -
User Reporting Capabilities
I would like to see who is using the system and what files each person has touched as well as how many people are in Docuware at any given moment.
5 votesThank you for your idea. We added it to our collection of ideas and features and will further investigate it. We currently cannot say exactly when this idea will be implemented. As soon as we have more information we will update its status.
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