AutoIndex Jobs: Modify Scheduling on Event so that it can be based on Documents Stored in A File Cabinet
You can currently schedule AutoIndex Workflows using either a time/date or on Event. On Event though only references the external file modifications. It would be nice if you could modify the Event to be based on changes to the DocuWare File Cabinet ( i.e. New Documents/Edited Indexes/etc)
I had a customer run into a situation where this would be more manageable if this option existed.
Thank you for your contribution. Your idea is available with version 7.0
Jon Weston commented
How can this be accomplished with Workflow Manager? Currently the only solutions that have been suggested for manually triggering an AutoIndex workflow is to have the workflow check for index data updates every 30 seconds which is not only horribly inefficient when index data updates will only occur every day or so but also a potential resource hog (Phil said he was getting in trouble for running 7 AutoIndex workflows at once).
Please resurrect this idea. Everyone I talked to at DocuWorld thinks it is a missing link, especially because this exact functionality is already used elsewhere in DocuWare: index data changes already trigger email notifications.
Anonymous commented
This has been a missing link for some time as often changes in Indexes drives the need for an Auto-Index job to start. An example is a project is read to be released, and a Vendor is selected from their users approved Vendor List and is selected via an External Select List. This change of populating the Vendor number field should be enough to start an Auto-Index job to fill in other indexes like Vendor Name, purchasing agent, and other information.