Enable searches for document trays
If I scan 50 documents to my document tray and none of the sort options are suitable then I have to manually scan the tray for the document I want to find.
If I scan documents in a certain order they are imported to the tray in a random order 9.5/10 times. Using the created on or modified on filter doesn't do the job of helping me find what i'm looking for.
Printer/Import configs help give documents names to help identify instead of a printer scanner meaningless name but you should be able to search for something specific instead of doing a sort then scrolling through potentially hundreds of documents in a tray.

Peter Groft commented
Open Configurations from the DocuWare main menu. From here, go to the Personal area, click on Document Trays, and then on New document tray. Setup is handled with a few clicks.
Hope You Find This Useful,
Peter -
SShrestha commented
This is the most asked feature in our organization. We automated Accounts payable to ERP recently. We receive hundred of invoices daily across organization from different sources. They all land on the tray initially for intelligent indexing. There is no search function in the tray that the helps us look at the invoice #, supplier # Po# etc which has already been stripped by intelligent indexing. This is a big pain point.