add a configurable stamp activity to Workflow Designer
Add a specific activity in the Workflow Designer that places a configurable stamp. Give the designer the ability to pick the location of the stamp (either have DocuWare automatically place it, as it does now, or have the workflow creator input X and Y coords), and let the workflow creator pick the global variables or index fields or text for the stamp. We have several workflows that have a lot of fields in the decision tasks and the resulting stamp is huge and contains a lot of info that isn't required.

Jon Weston commented
Every single one of my workflow clients has requested this feature or something similar to give more control over the stamps. And I'm seeing several requests posted here along the same theme and they all have votes. Here's another:
I've attached a sample invoice from one of our clients where you can see the excess of fields and a dramatic overlap between two stamps which makes them both pretty useless.
Jon Weston commented
a simpler version of this would be to put a "Include on stamp" checkbox by each form field in the workflow designer
Scott Clare commented
Would highly appreciate this update!