Allow Wildcard (*) Searching in Workflow Task Form Field Select List
When filling in a field in a store or search dialogue, the user can use the wildcard character * to search for a sub-string. For instance, if a field's select list contains the value "Test Field Value 12345", the user can type "*12345" and the select list dropdown will return all values that contain 12345 within them.
This does NOT work on select lists for workflow task form fields. It would be helpful if we could use wildcards to narrow down select lists on workflow task form fields and not just the dialogues.

Ezra Zohar commented
I have a client that would love the ability to use wild cards to narrow down select lists in store dialogs. From what John is saying, it sounds like he is able to do this. My client uses DW cloud and cannot do this. Is this functionality that could be added to the cloud or are there technical limitations preventing it?