Display number of document in document trays
It would be very helpful if the number of documents in each trays was display in the list of the document trays (see picture).
When a user have to deal with a great number of document trays, it will help to increase his productivity.
See also this idea : https://docuware.uservoice.com/forums/230570-client-english/suggestions/19059898-docuware-trays-dropdown-needs-to-show-number-of-fi
It's from 2 years now, is this idea will be implemented soon ?
Thank you.

Kyle Marino commented
Is this possible yet? I see it was posted a few years back and would be very helpful for us.
Koen Logghe commented
Yes, this could help all customers which use intelligent indexing and have multiple inboxes. I can not believe this takes more then 3 years to implement. The same nummering a list, workflows looks an easy way to implement ! Go for it, developer team !
RABOURDIN commented
si nous pouvions avoir d'un coup d'oeil le nombre de virements dans les bacs ce serait un gain de temps pour nous. Car tous les virements ne sont pas forcément traitables au jour le jour, cela éviterait de consulter bac par bac tous les jours, il y en a quand même un certain nombre !!