Configurable Output and Indexing settings for each Attach File field
Make it possible to store file attachments separately, instead of always clipping them to the main form(s). For example, in a W-9 Vendor Signup form, we may prompt the vendor to attach their Certificate of Liability Insurance. Instead of clipping this attachment to the W-9 form, we would like to store this document separately with a document type of "Certificate of Liability Insurance".
Currently, every attachment for every File Attach field gets clipped to the Web Form or to EVERY merged form that is configured. This is rarely the desired behavior and results in duplicate documents.
Instead, being able to configure the output and indexing for each File Attach field would allow us to meet a much broader range of e-form requirements.

Eric Bosworth commented
This would be helpful for storing documents with the correct indexes. In one of my departments the secretary is going crazy because therapists are inconsistent in indexing documents. My suggestion to fix it is to create a form and have the form use drop down's for document type and then use the student ID number to look up all the other indexes. The problem with that is that it will then add the form in front of the document.