Amend the overview pane to indicate if the document is multipage (or remove the + symbol if it's a single page)
Hi All,
Just had Glass Systems (Press Glass), asking the question about the overview pane when viewing clipped documents.
With the way they are processing orders internally the users have found a bit of confusion created by the view of the + symbol, staff had stopped looking for multiple pages in the documents because a lot are single page however the + symbol is visible whether it's a single or multiple pages.
They have asked if it's possible to change this to be a bit more intuitive so the users can tell if it's actually a multipage document that can be expanded or single page (maybe removing this icon).
As per attached, the first doc in that overview list is selected and at the top I can see it's one page but it has the plus symbol, where as I think from memory it's only the 3rd in the over view list that is actually multipage.