Stamp Restriction
Enabling Stamp restrictions not just to file cabinet but also to certain Tasklist would allow for a work flow to stay conistant withou breaking out of the workflow process by Stamping something "Entered" for example before it should be. Such as being stamped entered before the document has been approved or verified.
Jon Weston commented
the new Document Relations setup in DW7 in which DocuWare shows/hides defined document relationships (formerly document links) based on document criteria would be a perfect addition to stamps and would not only satisfy this request but would take it a step further. ie. we could set DW to only show a stamp if a document met certain criteria so that would work for task lists as well as general searches
Rob Bender commented
Stamp restrictions for file cabinets should also allow a stamp to be assigned to more than one file cabinet. Currently you get to restrict it to a single file cabinet or not at all.
Tenemaza commented
I would like the restriction of stamp/annotation layers. That way x layer not accessible by x users if they do not have rights.
Thilo Meier (Alos Solution) commented
This would be also very useful if there are more then one workflow with the Task list.
The users are always in danger to set the wrong stamp for the actual workflow/workflow step.