Scroll to the bottom when configuring multi column select lists
When configuring especially the multi column select lists in Web Client Configurations, the interface opens various parts like "show filters" below the bottom of the screen and the user always has to remember to scroll down to actually complete the configuration. It would be much better if the interface would always scroll down automatically to reveal the just opened parts.

Thank you for your contribution. Your idea is available with version 7.1.
Nate French commented
"It would be much better if the interface would always scroll down automatically to reveal the just opened parts."
YES. This is the case in MANY areas of the new HTML5 / JS configuration pages. I would add "scroll up so that as much of the new section is on the screen as is possible" -- just like the action of navigating to the location of an HTML named anchor such as <a id="MoreStuff">.
I would go a step further, and suggest some sort of indicator (a small but fat DocuWare-Blue "plus" sign?) in one of the lower margins of the page to enhance the awareness that there is more down there. I'm envisioning one of those little tabs that you see on sites that are attached/docked to the edge of the browser viewport, or it could float out from the edge a bit. That, then, could expand all the collapsed sections and scroll to the first one's named anchor.