place pull down arrows on the left side of each field so we dont have to always scroll to the right to get a pull down list

Thank you for your idea. Right now we are focusing on other topics, so we are not considering this idea for future releases. If the demand for this topic increases, we might add it to future plans.
Colin Smith commented
I think Tani means that the arrow to pull down the drop-down-list is placed on the right (not left) side of the field. When you have a very large screen, this arrow will always be at the far right of your screen. I guess placing this arrow on the left side of the field would mean that you don't have to move your mouse over to the right side anymore. However, from a usability point of view, this arrow is always on the right side of a field, so I would recommend not to change this. Maybe there could be a Maximum width to a field, so the arrow will never be too far away.
Just as an extra tip: If you press the 'down' key, the list also drops down for this field.
Finn Haverkamp commented
I'm not sure what you mean by this. Could you explain further please?