Allow the ability to delete stamps and leave the data in the log.
We have operating procedures that get modified monthly and have to go through an approval process. We are accumulating pages and pages of approval stamps on the end of our procedures. Also, when we check out a document to insert a photo, for example, it pushes the pages down and the stamps stay in place and cover the text of the document. It looks sloppy and unprofessional to auditors and customers. We need a better solution for multiple stamps on documents in file cabinets that use revision control.
Mark Perkins

Thank you for your idea.
Right now we are focusing on other topics, so we are not considering this idea for future releases. If the demand for this topic increases, we might add it to future plans.
Lenka Otahalova commented
Hello, I´m "reopening" this idea - it would be nice to be able to delete at least stamps posted manually. Sometimes a stamp can be misplaced and if you need to put it somewhere else, you have to delete the document.
Thank you!Lenka Otahalova