Ability to store a Form in Document Tray or File Cabinet
Currently you can only store a Form directly into a File Cabinet with a store dialog. Need ability to store into a Document Tray as well. When storing with Import, Printer or email you have option to store document into Document Tray or File Cabinet
Thank you for your idea. Right now we are focusing on other topics, so we are not considering this idea for future releases. If the demand for this topic increases, we might add it to future plans.
David Blake commented
I need this ability now. Currently have a long form that needs to be stapled. The customer must now 1. copy all the individual pages to the Tray, 2. delete the original forms in the cabinet. 3. Staple together the multiple forms in the Tray, 4. Store back to the cabinet.
What would also work, if stapling could be done within the cabinet! DONE!