I suggest to allow the defaults to be customizable in the HTML 5 Viewer
I'm not sure that this directly relates to Intelligent Indexing but I did not see a better category to add this suggestion. It would be wonderful if we could have the ability to customize (and save) more defaults in the DocuWare WebClient HTML 5 Viewer - for example, the annotation tool's type face & font color, the viewer magnification, etc. Currently we can change the default text size and color but it will not retain once we log out. We love the annotation tool and the colors are useful for our company in identifying which employee typed the text (without having to type the EE's name or initials). Additionally, the viewer magnification will allow us to select the 'Fit to Height' option but it will not retain that as a default. For most of us heavy users, that's our preferred viewer magnification. It would be great to not have to select that magnification after each time we log back in.

This will become available in a future version.