Please reconsider the use of SAML authentication to provide an much more flexible authentication mechanism that does not require Microsoft services.
Please see page 9 at:
What you should see is that 91% of schools in the state of IL are Google schools while only 27% utilize Both Microsoft and Google services.
I think that you are limiting your customers by not offering other authentication mechanisms like SAML. We do believe that Docuware is the better product but because of this we will likely have to choose another product.
As MFA is now required for any PII for school districts to obtain Cyber Security Insurance, this is a MUST HAVE for schools.
We also use Cisco's DUO product as an authentication source for MFA which supports additional authentication mechanisms. We would also be interested if that can be implemented.
Thank you for your contribution. We implemented generic OpenID Connect integration for usage with alternative identity providers with version 7.8.