It would be really helpful for the whole community to be able to track in real time the value of the SNS OCCAR number pretended for their division, and to add an alert that informs the user after a week, for example, of any missing SNS OCCAR number.

Thank you for your idea. To evaluate this idea more, we need more information on this topic. Please add a comment, explaining your need and use case. Thank you.
Antonio commented
It would be interesting to be able to see in a small window in DOCUWARE the number of SNS missing in a week. This would allow the operator to check the numbering and documents stored in DOCUWARE without missing SNS numbers.
Antonio commented
When an SNS number is created, the document that references the created SNS number must be entered into docuware. It would be useful to be able to see all the SNS numbers that have been taken in docuware right away.
Thank you for your idea, can you please add more details to better understand the idea.
(Edited by admin)