Allow for multiple File cabinet search in webclient
The windows client has the ability to search multiple file cabinets at the same time. When can we get this feature in the web client, this is a needed feature for customer trying to make use of an archive/active type system. The ability to search a smaller group of document lets say from the past year improves the speed of the results. Then a search to say search the active FC (less than 1 yer old) and an Archive FC (1 year old or more), which in turn takes longer to display the results. Is this a feature that can be put in place quickly?

This will become available with version 6.7. This idea also exists in the German forum:
Eric Williams commented
Great news !!!! looks like we will be seeing a few new features in 6.7, got some great ones in 6.6.
Renee commented
Absolutely! I was very surprised to find this feature missing when most other competitors (such as ImageWare) have this to some degree. If you are working with many cabinets, especially imported from old systems, you need to be able to search all of them if you don't know where an old employee may have stored documents. This is a must!
Satrina commented
This would be great! We would use this feature all the time!!