Standard Tiff vs Proprietary PDF
I believe Docuware's move away from the standard tiff to a proprietary PDF is a huge mistake. I have customers that have strict compliance to only store documents as standard tiff images. Most of my customer have always used this format since many of them have used Docuware since 3.x, 4.x and 5.x. Now the viewers in the web client do not work well with tiff images and they are forced to use PDF.

PDF is an ISO standard as of 2008. See here:
CP Williams commented
I have the same apprehension but the facts are that this new format does display and work faster, is more legal as teh Supreme Court has said they will not allow anything BUT PDF/A and you are mistaken this is not a Proprietary is in fact, the same open standard that it has always been set forth by the same company that set the open standards for TIFF....ADOBE....
So I guess what my question is why is one open format worse or better than the other I would say that it is DIFFERENT and neither one is better that the other but PDF is a more acceptable format for nearly every computer user that needs to use documents... it is embedded into almost every system and is as common as NOTEPAD or TEXXT editor.