Option to delete old versions of a document
It would be interesting to implement an option to delete old versions of a document. the case is that the user is doing versions of a document until thinks that the newest versión is the definitive. Therefor the user needs to be able to delete all the old versions of the document. Free disk space could be a reason.

Thank you for your idea. Right now we are focusing on other topics, so we are not considering this idea for future releases. If the demand for this topic increases, we might add it to future plans.
Tiziano Fossati commented
This feature is really interesting. As Eneko Iriondo said, when the process reaches a final step, old versions are useless. If the document is small, it doesn't impact on disk space. When documents are bigger than 50MB, mantaining 10 or more copies means a lot of space wasted.
It would be enough an API to do it.