Add the ability to set a stamps max width/height
Currently, stamps with lots of text in Form Fields for notes, long names, etc flow off the page and are difficult to view as the stamp text is placed on one single line. If the user enters 255 characters of text to the field of the stamp, they cannot place stamp on document.
Suggestion is to to allow for a Max Width and Max Height options when creating a stamp. This will allow a user to enter as much text as desired and the content of the stamp will still be visible on the page.

Thank you for your idea. We added it to our collection of ideas and features and will further investigate it. We currently cannot say exactly when this idea will be implemented. As soon as we have more information we will update its status.
John Young commented
I agree. From a workflow perspective it's OK as you can view the text in the workflow history, however a wrapping feature would be nice.