A way to Search for empty or null numbers and dates.
I suggest you provide a way to search for empty or null numbers and dates in index fields.

Thank you for your idea. We added it to our collection of ideas and features and will further investigate it. We currently cannot say exactly when this idea will be implemented. As soon as we have more information we will update its status.
MGJENZI commented
Stumbled over the same problem. Would be great if you could implement it.
Shawn Cartwright commented
This is a fantastic idea and needs adding as soon as possible. I need to use this to find missing data.
Daniel commented
You already let us search for empty fields in Deletion Policies. You should let us search for empty fields in Search dialogs.
AlosSupport commented
Einer unserer Kunden schlägt eine Aufnahme in den Entwicklungsplan vor. Um Retrieval-Vorschriften vollumfänglich einzuhalten muss eine Suche für jeden zulässigen Feldeintrag, also auch für ISNUL ohne Workaround möglich sein... .
In diesem Fall ging es um die Suche nach leeren numerischen Feldern. -
Jon Neff commented
DW search accepts 'x' for today's date, how about 'e' for empty?