Set custom boxes background
Some users have differents research boxes in the same tray. But these boxes are very similar (sames fields with 1 or 2 prefilled fields).
They often don't see they are not in the right box for their research.
If we could set a background color for the differents boxes in a same tray it would be helpfull for users.
Thank you for your idea. To evaluate this idea more, we need more information on this topic. Please add a comment, explaining your need and use case. Thank you.
Killian commented
Thanks for replying.To explain my demand : for my profile, i have about 44 lists (attach.).
Many of our users use the sames lists everyday. Even if there's the cabinet color, you can see that find a list costs too much time!As a user, if i could, self sort lists an/or custom its background (for the one i often use), it could be really useful.
Best regards.