Allow the use of multi column select list in task decisions,
It would be great to be able to use the data in an existing field narrow down the available selection of a list via a multi column select list

Thank you for your contribution.
Your idea is available with version 7.2.
Damian commented
Hi has there been any progress on this?
I have an immediate requirement to set this up, but filtering results based on a multi column select list doesn't work in the store dialog or in a task decision with a table object.
It would really help when coding line items in an invoice where say the cost centre relates to the nominal code.
Richard Spinks commented
Its been 6 months now since you stated you were working on the feature, i still don't seem to be able to do this in version 7.1 ?
David commented
It would be very useful to have filtered list in workflow form as we have now on store dialog (or edit index dialog).
For example a society has many sub-company with for each of them a specific list for an index. Today we have only two options : duplicate the workflow for all sub-company or add a condition test for all sub-company and duplicate the task. When have a large number of sub-company it's very time consuming to duplicate task/workflow and difficult to manage it when we have to update something.
So it's should be very nice to have a list (with several columns as e have today) that we can filtered based on another index directly in the form task of the workflow.
Jon Weston commented
Please please please add this!!! Every single workflow client I have wonders why this is available in the store dialog but not the workflow tasks and I've had to build web services as well as additional workflow branches to deal with invalid data inputs during workflow tasks because of it :(