Restore the ability to drag and drop documents and unstapled pages to reorder them in the web basket
The last upgrade (Build: seriously diminished the functionality of the web basket. Please restore the ability to drag and drop pages so that they may be reordered in the web basket. If you split apart a document that has more than, say, 10 pages, it would be very cumbersome to reorder some of the pages in the middle of the document using the order of selection approach. The same holds true if you need to merge the pages of one unstapled document with another. If the documents are more than several pages, you will have to do a lot of selecting and stapling to get the desired order. Also, the new basket sorting mechanism does not makes sense for unstapled documents--what does it mean to sort an unstapled document by name or creation date? The pages need to stay in document order and be easy to reorder like the basket of the previous version.
Thank you for your idea.
Right now we are focusing on other topics, so we are not considering this idea for future releases. If the demand for this topic increases, we might add it to future plans.
Megan Barrett commented
What about insert (clip) before a page or after a page or replace that page? When you are indexing, in the inbound tray. There should be a option for any of the 3 inserts above. What if, a page had a folded corner or ripped and you need to rescan that page. You can only put at the end of the document, out of order from the rest. Our company has a order for all types of document. With our invoices, we group them together by first Document # and second by Batch #.
Joe Thompson commented
in an inbox or basket, the ability to manually sort documents or at least pin particular documents to a particular place would be great. I keep a few documents in my inbox that I refer to frequently, and it would be great if I could keep them in the same place all of the time