Client (English)
Please post all ideas that concern the DocuWare client in this forum.
251 results found
Export to ERP System
I suggest you to have a feature to export index data for erp system after the documents are archived with Intelligent Indexing. The export must contain also the DOCID number to link the ERP system to document stored in Docuware
10 votesThank you for your contribution. Your idea is available with version 7.5.
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Store Metadata (date, user, etc) should be available to display in result lists
Store Date, Store User & other metadata should be available as a viewable fields on any result list. Its stored in the database, in some cases it would be hugely helpful for users to see who stored a document and when. The only way to do that now is to create duplicate fields and populate them during the storage procedure. The data is already there so we shouldn't have to do that.
9 votesThank you for your contribution. Your idea is available with version 7.4.
Active Directory synchronization should sync DocuWare user account status
Active Directory synchronization should sync DocuWare user account status: change status in AD to "disabled" should deselect DocuWare user account "active" status and release the corresponding named seat license, if assigned.
9 votesThank you for your contribution. Your idea is available with version 7.3.
Workflow Manager
If a document is deleted in the middle of a workflow. The docuware system should then delete the Task that is related to that document. Currently that is a manual Task.
9 votesThank you for your contribution.
Your idea is available with version 6.10. -
Web Basket
When copying a document to a web basket, in order to unstaple and rearrange, it would be nice if the unstapled pages would appear in the basket in consecutive page order. When we unstaple documents they then appear in random order that has no rhyme of reason.
9 votesThank you for your contribution.
Your idea is available with the current version. -
Remove Organization box from web client login.
When logging into the web client a user is prompted for organization, user name and password. Please remove the organization name or allow for a default organization. The users constantly try to put an organization into the box and it fails to login.
9 votesThank you for your contribution.
Your idea is available with version 7. -
Exclude form data from stamp
We should have the option to exclude form data in stamp. We do not need to see form entries in the stamp all the time. Form entries can make the stamp too large and the information I the form is not needed on the stamp.
8 votesThank you for your contribution. Your idea has been made available with version 7.2.
i suggest you provide a way to search for documents using system field data, such as "Date Modified" or "modified by"
i suggest you provide a way to search for documents using system field data, such as "Date Modified" or "modified by.
8 votesThank you for your contribution. Your idea is available with version 7.4.
Hide the "Store Date" field in search dialogs
I realize the "store date" search criteria is helpful in 95% of all situations, but in my case there are a few other "date" categories, and my end users are confused very easily. I'm not suggesting a removal of the field (but would be fine too), but at least the option to hide the field for each search dialog.
8 votesThank you for your contribution. Your idea is available with version 7.4.
Right click on a value in result list gives option to filter the list by this value
Suppose I have a result list with several fields and one of those fields is department. The results might contain several departments such as Accounting, Billing, Payroll, etc. I right click on the word 'Accounting' in the department column of the result list and have a context menu option to filter the list by this value which would result in the same list except only where Dept = Accounting
8 votesThank you for your contribution. Your idea for text filtering is available with version 7.3.
Allow Arithmetic Expressions in Forms
Allow the use of arithmetic expressions in forms. This would be used to either populate cabinet fields with form fields or work out calculations on the forms. Right now our users are adding in sub fields and manually having to total and also include in field. Would be ideal to have calculation done through form.
7 votesThank you for your contribution!Your idea is available with version 7.8 from April 2023 onwards.
Allow column orders to be changed in table fields.
In edit index entries or storing a new document once a table field is created there is no way to change the order of columns that the user works with. So when the administrator is told "I need a table fields with columns x,y, and z" and what the user really wanted was columns listed on the screen as y,z,x It requires recreating the entire table to do it.
7 votesThank you for your contribution. Your idea is available with version 7.4.
Enable stamps on workflow tasks with table fields
And then have the option to select which fields need to be included in the stamp and make it so that table fields cannot be included in the stamps.
7 votesThank you for your contribution. Your idea is available with version 7.2.
Right-click copy/paste function in dialogs.
Users should have the ability to right-click copy/paste within all dialogs. Some end users are unaware of the Ctrl+V/C method which leads to frustration. Having the traditional method would make things easier for some users.
7 votesThank you for your contribution. Your idea is already available.
Re-enable the DocuWare Idle Session timeout functionality for Web clients that existed in pre 6.5 versions.
Re-enable the DocuWare Idle Session timeout functionality for Web clients that existed in pre 6.5 versions. Virtually all software products support idle session timeouts for security reasons and to free up system resources.
7 votesThank you for your contribution. Your idea is available with version 7.5.
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Log out idle user
Provide the ability for the system administrator to log idle users out. This can be especially useful when using named accts and there is no acct provided for the administrator to build and test any new configurations. Reassigning a named acct for the administrator will not automatically log out the user and allow the administrator to log into the web client.
7 votesThank you for your contribution. Your idea is available with version 7.5.
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Edit Index Entries in Workflow Engine
The workflow engine task list has no option for "edit index entries".
The workaround has been to create options as workflow steps for the user to re-index, but that's a very manual process and feels clunky.
The option to edit index entries right from the task list would alleviate this.7 votesThis has been solved years ago.
Restore the ability to create Data records within the webclient.
Till docuware 6.1 we where able to store datarecords in the DocuWare Webclient by using the store dialog. We had to sign the box for "create data record without a document"
We would like to see this feature returned in future upgrades.7 votesThe functionality to create data records is implemented and wil lbecome available with a future version of DocuWare
Expand on the "Send Request" feature
The "Send Request" feature seems to already contain a lot of functionality, but for some reason the access has been made limited. The ability to export "Send Requests" with user, decision, and show everyone who still needs to make a decision would be extremely valuable. It appears all the data is collected in the database, we just don't have access to it.
6 votesThank you for your contribution.
Your idea is available now.
Web Form date fields to allow other formats to cater for UK / Australia
When configuring / filling in a webform date fields are currently formatted in US date format.
Can we please have the ability to set UK/AU format, or even better, ddmmmyy format to cover all (07JUL17)
6 votesThank you for your contribution.
The date fields always display in the region format that is set up in the DocuWare Client. If the DocuWare Client is set to UK/AU format it should also behave the same in a form. If you never opened the DocuWare Client in this browser the form will use the format that corresponds to the region of the language setup in the browser.
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