scroll to the next page with mouse wheel
The users are used to scroll down pages (e.g. in Adobe Reader, Word, ...).
In the Viewer they always have to use the arrow key symbols on the right or top.
It would be nice to scroll through the pages of one file with the scroll wheel of the mouse.
Also this function could ask, if the end of the file is reached and the document consists of more than one file if the following file should be opened.

Meikel Haase commented
This feature was added in 7.10
Hanson Huang commented
On Feb 26, 2014.
"We will be working on a solution soon."Me in 2023.
"Sure." -
Hanson Huang commented
Almost 9 years. Can you guys do it within a decade??
Chris McFarland commented
YES! New users expect this functionality out of the box and it's a little training thing that has to be hit every time. DocuWare is so nice and friendly to the users that it's such a shame to always run into an 'Oh, OK, we do wish it didn't work that way' moment when rolling out to new users. GIVE IT TO US, THE HARD WORKING BUILDERS OF DocuWare SYSTEMS!
Solomon Peretz commented
5 years later, we still want it!!
Philippe Prinet commented
It's amazing that DocuWare does not yet offer this functionality...
Scroll to the next page with mouse wheel is a very good idea eagerly awaited by TotalEnergies employees
Adrian Zuniga commented
Any updates? Would very much like to see this happen ASAP.
Charles McCollister commented
Very interested in the ability to automatically advance to the next file in a document if at the first/last page of a file using the page forward/backward controls.
Marcos Garcia commented
This was suggested 6 years ago and many people agree that it is a good idea. What is the hold up?
Martin Meier commented
please go on with this idea, it is basic functionality!!!
Casey Burch commented
Has this been taken out of the "ideas backlog" & implemented yet?
Anonymous commented
Scrolling an entire document, especially with the On-premise version should be a native feature. Please include it asap.
Nate French commented
May I further request horizontal scrolling (like when zoomed in) for the many mouses that have tilt wheels, not to mention the touchpad gestures and touchscreens.
(Horizontal scroll is also missing in Workflow Designer, BTW, though it does have mousewheel vertical scrolling)