Include the ability to write to table fields automatically
Currently, data can be pulled from a table field into a Global Variable within "Assign Data" in a workflow. However, the ability to use a table field as a "Destination" when assigning data does not exist. This would be extremely useful if a document with line items is stored directly to a file cabinet. Currently, the table can only be populated manually or using Intelligent Indexing. More automation with the table fields would be very useful!

Thank you for your contribution. Your idea is available with version 7.6.
Tiago Matos commented
Thanks for implementing.
Chris McFarland commented
Nate French commented
This would be extremely useful, but I understand that there would need to be significant development in order to get the new data into the correct column, and moreover, choose the correct row. I really want this too, but I think it would require some sort of a LOOP activity that would help with running through rows.
By default (and this is not configurable on cloud) you can only loop through 9 rows -- the 10th row returns a failure, as it triggers "spam protection" and fully unpublishes the workflow.